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Children's Time

Children & Youth

A community of faith dedicated to nurturing young hearts and minds in Christ's love.

Amos and Friends

Sundays during 10:30 AM Service

An interactive puppet show featuring Amos the Mouse and Pastor Ron

Children's Church

Sundays during 10:30 AM Service

Learning about God's love through lessons, crafts, and play

After-School Program

Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 PM

Free program for K-5th grade with transportation provided

After-School Program

Join our free after-school program for K-5th grade students from Heritage and Upper Elementary Schools. We provide transportation, snacks, activities, and a nurturing environment every Wednesday.

Amos and Friends puppet show with children

Our Programs

Amos and Friends & Children's Church

Every Sunday morning at our 10:30 am Worship Service, our youngest are invited to come forward for some time with Amos and Friends (an interactive puppet show featuring Amos the Mouse and Pastor Ron). After Amos, the children are invited to Children's Church where they learn about God's love through learning, craft, and play.

Wednesday After-School Program

Lake Ozark Christian Church is offering a free after-school program for children, grades Kindergarten through 5th grade (Heritage and Upper Elementary Schools), on Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. We will transport the children from school to the church building. We will provide a snack, games and activities, and a brief lesson. A parent or guardian will need to pick up their children by 5:30pm. There is no cost to attend this program.

Pastor's Baptism Class

It is the practice of the Disciples of Christ to baptize folks when they are ready to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and seek to follow him as his disciple. To help young people in their faith, Pastor Ron teaches a Baptism class to prepare them.

Boy Scouts

Lake Ozark Christian Church is a proud sponsor of Boy Scout and Cub Scout Pack #21.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

- Matthew 19:14

Get Involved

Want to learn more about our children's programs or get involved? We'd love to hear from you!